Labrador & More
Welcome to Labrador and More, a charming blend of rural life with sustainable skincare. My journey began with a passion for creating, and a love of essential oils. Determined to craft something truly natural, I embarked on a mission to formulate daily-use soap free from preservatives, artificial colourings, foaming agents, and emulsifiers. Just like in cooking, I believe in the power of simplicity - why settle for skincare filled with complicated ingredients when you wouldn't do the same with your food? Our goal is simple: to create fresh, beautifully scented products without any unnecessary additives. Join us on our journey to embrace nature's bounty and indulge in skincare that’s as pure as it is effective. Labrador and More might sound a bit quirky for a skincare company, but hey, life's too short for boring names. I absolutely love dogs and have a little spaniel called Syd.

To get in touch of find out more please visit my website www.labradorandmore.com or follow me on Instagram @labradorormore